Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Victory Over The CRA
Victory Over the CRA is the essential CRA guide every Canadian accountant should have in their library!
From CRA payment plans to advance rulings to helping you represent clients before the Tax Court of Canada, this book is the single most comprehensive and useful guide available to help Canadian accountants represent their clients before the Canada Revenue Agency and the Tax Court of Canada in respect of many types of matters.
Topics include: Taxpayer Rights, Record Keeping, the CRA web site (represent a client portal), rollovers, estate freezes, LCGE and purification, common Elections, Objections, Audits, Taxpayer Relief, Tax Court of Canada, Voluntary Disclosures Program, Tax Remission, and more. Inside you will find a bounty of helpful information and tips as well as sample documents and screen captures from CRA web site.
Quick and Dirty Business Start-Up Guide
You’ve chosen to start a new business.
Perhaps you have lost your job to COVID-19.
Perhaps you have decided that it is your turn to take control and build your own business.
Either way, good for you!
From the perspective of a leading Canadian Tax Lawyer and #1 Bestselling author of Tax Survival for Canadians: Stand up to the CRA, A Quick and Dirty Business Start-Up Guide is exactly that – it is your essential guide to starting a business in Canada in the post-COVID era.
From discussing different business structures to offering helpful advice for starting the business to refining the offering and attracting clients to tax audits and challenging tax assessments, you will learn a tremendous amount and gain valuable insight in a short period of time.
Topics include:- Business structures- The Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”)- Contractors vs. Employees- Taxation of Different Business Structures- The Exit Plan- Refining the Offer- Attracting Clients- Essential IT- Record Keeping- Payroll vs. Dividends- Filing Taxes- Notices of Assessment- CRA Audits- GST / HST – Payroll- Challenging the CRA (Objections, Tax Court)- Taxpayer Rights- Estate Freezes -CRA Collections